Articulating a vision, making major changes, and limiting risk on a legacy site visited by millions daily
FINTECH / B2C / AI / Search / Growth Design
Reduce dropoffs and make home-shopping easy
Transforming payroll from a complex, highly emotional task into a tool for insights and automation
FINTECH / B2B / B2C / Design Thinking
Reinventing payroll and reducing support costs
Achieving market fit in biotech
To successfully introduce new products, you need to discover and solve real user pain points
BIOTECH / HEALTHCARE / B2B / Product-to-market fit
Taking the fear out of automated retail
How do you get people to trust you enough to buy an expensive Apple device from a “vending machine”?
Calendly Content Design
I brought content-first design and the storytelling techniques of Design Thinking to Calendly’s UX organization.
In 2020 I lead a team that:
Re-designed and re-wrote the Calendly help center
Architected the data model and deployed new content using the Contentful content management system (CMS)
Led the re-branding effort for this part of the Calendly experience (defining information and content design goals, and implementation)
Performed content design for the Calendly app and developer portal
Crafted narratives to support problem framing for overall Product activities new initiatives
Scripted and produced videos that describe user benefits